A High Academic Standard
Active Learning
The academic program at Applied Language Studies House places an emphasis on every aspect of our student’s growth and development. We take advantage of the natural curiosity students possess by having our teachers present new information in creative ways and teach through exploratory experiences.
Our general curriculum includes a variety of challenging courses that meet or exceed state requirements. Suitable class sizes and exceptional, qualified teachers allow Applied Language Studies House Ltd to offer an intimate and inclusive educational environment, while also ensuring each student receives the individualized attention and support they need.
Guest Lecturers
Offering the Support that Students Need
Prof Michael McCarthy
Guest Lecturer
Scott Thornbury
Guest Lecturer
Mark Hancock
Guest Lecturer
Meet the team
Where the Passion Begins
Dr Paschalis Chliaras FHEA
Head of ALS House Delta Centre and Main Course tutor
Dr Paschalis Chliaras (PhD in Applied Linguistics and SLA) is an EAP/ESP (UG/PG) and TESOL Lecturer, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK, TEFL-Qualified, Qualified Cambridge Delta Tutor, Chairman and Director of the Research Centre for Applied Languages and Linguistics, Expert for the Key Activity 2 – Languages Transversal Programme, EU, Cambridge Centre Exams Manager and Presessional EAP Tutor, University of Birmingham & University of Warwick, UK. He is a member of IATEFL and member of BALEAP and has given 15 presentations at major international conferences in the UK, Turkey and Greece in the last 6 years. He is the founder of the Academic Institution Applied Language Studies House.
Alistair Barnes
Cambridge Delta Tutor
Alistair Barnes has been teaching English as a Foreign Language since 1983. He holds an M.A. Applied Linguistics (University of Reading) 1986. He has taught EFL in Universities, private sector institutions and teacher training establishments in Poland, the (former) USSR, Korea, Spain and Britain. He has run pre-service and in-service training courses for teachers since 1991, in Poland, Britain, Ireland, Australia, Latvia, Thailand and Vietnam. He is active as an examiner and assessor for various University of Cambridge schemes, including the Delta.
Neil Anderson
Cambridge Delta Tutor
Neil has taught and trained in the UK, Hungary, Switzerland and France, spending a significant portion of his career as Senior Trainer for International House Budapest where he was responsible for running their CELTA, DELTA and internal training courses. He is co-author of Activities for Task-Based Learning by DELTA publishing, and co-run the blog Fluency First ELT https://fluencyfirstelt.blog where they provide communicative and task-based lessons for online and face-to-face teaching. This reflects his primary area of interest i.e. fluency-to-accuracy approaches (TBL, Dogme etc.) which challenge the hegemony of PPP. He is also passionate about the teaching and learning of lexis, dealing with emergent language and action research / reflective practice.
Alexandra Green
Cambridge Delta Modules 1 & 3 tutor & Train the Trainer Lead Trainer
Alexandra Green is a Cambridge Assessment Team Leader; ALS House (Cambridge-GR091) Lead Trainer; Eurognosi academic director. She has obtained an MA in Management of Language Learning & Second Language Teaching and Learning; TEFL Foundation; She is also a Cambridge Presenter and Team Leader