Our annual
is expanding!
Attention all enthusiastic language education and research professionals!
We are inviting those interested in creating their own Special Interest Group (SIG) that will be part of our International Conferences on Language Education and Research from 2025 onwards. The suggested SIGs should be related to the following specialisms:
1. Innovation in Language Teaching (LTI SIG)
2. Second Language Acquisition (SLA SIG)
3. Bilingualism/Trilingualism (BTL SIG)
4. Evolution in Language Variation (LVE SIG)
5. History and Development of ELT (ELTHD SIG)
6. Language Awareness (LA SIG)
7. Phonology (PHO SIG)
8. ELT Methodology (ELT-M SIG)
9. Assessment (ASM SIG)
10. Learning Technologies & AI (LT-AI SIG)
11. Teaching Business English (BET SIG)
12. Teaching ESAP (ESAP SIG)
13. Teacher Training Education & Teacher Development (TTED SIG)
14. Teaching Young Learners (YLT SIG)
15. Research in Language Teaching (RLT SIG)
16. Discourse analysis (DA SIG)
17. Linguistics incl. Applied, Corpus and Historical Linguistics (ACHL SIG)
18. your proposal
Those interested in creating a SIG will be its coordinators, with responsibilities including:
1. Participating in and facilitating conferences in Greece and abroad
2. Recruiting 5 committee members: the SIG secretary, the SIG event manager, the SIG treasurer, and two newsletter publishing experts
3. Organising and managing SIG events in Greece or abroad annually
4. Recruiting SIG subscribers to attend events and receive newsletters
In addition, the SIG coordinator will definitely enjoy a number of benefits!
If you are interested, please let us know: info@als-edu.co.uk
If you are always looking for new and exciting opportunities, let's connect!